Every month - we gather to cook up a special meal for 100 beautiful humans which we deliver to Friday Cafe, Cambridge. The meal-making is fun and sharing that love at Friday Cafe is a joy.Please join the fun, nurture your spirit - and let us know how you can help:1) Bake something sweet at home and deliver the goodies to Hillside before 7pm;2) Join us to prep and cook the meal at Hillside (6:20-8pm)*; and/or3) Sign Up to pick up the food @ Hillside and drive up to a parking space at Friday Cafe for the drop-off of the meal to a volunteer - Friday morning (between 9:30 - 10:45 am).#
Location of Hillside Community Church: 144 North Street, Medford, MA (please enter via the Osgood Street entrance)
Location of Friday Cafe: First Church Cambridge, 11 Garden Street, Cambridge (just outside of Harvard Square).
Be sure to indicate all of the ways you are interested in helping out.
Please contact
pastor@hillsidemedford.com with any questions or concerns